Dear Church Members,
The Ontario government, through the Ministry of Health, instructed all non-essential organizations closed and gatherings be limited to no more than 5 persons as the country continues to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
The following will represent the format of worship at Brampton SDA Church effective Sabbath April 4, 2020 and is subjected to change.
Sabbath Morning Service:
● Church will be closed to the public
● Sabbath Worship has been transformed to an online service without a congregation. An elder and the BITS team will join the pastor and musician for the presentation. Members will watch the service which will be live streamed. The agenda for the service will be as follows:
◘ 10:00 am to 11:00 am: Lesson Review using Hope Sabbath School or 3ABN Sabbath School
◘ 11:00 am to 12:30 pm: Divine Worship
Other Church Services via Zoom Meetings:
ZOOM has changed its security policy, which includes enabling password and a waiting room. If you join the meeting manually by entering a Meeting ID, you will need to enter the password to access the meeting. Due to security reasons, the ZOOM password cannot be listed on the website. Please contact any of the church elders or the Pastor using the contact details below to receive the meeting password (contact information for both the elders and the Pastor are in the “Telephone Contact” section below). You can also connect to the meeting through telephone by using either of the following phone numbers: 1 (647) 374-4685 or 1 (647) 558-0588
● Prayer Meeting: Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm via ZOOM
◘ Meeting Link: 09
◘ Meeting ID: 990 657 161
◘ Meeting Password: 641921
● Youth Bible Study & Discussion: Fridays evenings at 7:30pm via ZOOM
◘ Meeting Link: OQT09
◘ Meeting ID: 915 9769 5476
◘ Meeting Password: 169948
● Sabbath School Lesson Study (Youth & Adults): Saturday mornings at 10:00am via ZOOM
◘ Meeting Link: UT09
◘ Meeting ID: 958 8880 3822
◘ Meeting Password: 045033
● Children’s Sabbath School: Saturday afternoon at 2:30pm via ZOOM
◘ Meeting Link: 09
◘ Meeting ID: 898 0948 6824
◘ Meeting Password: 162419
● Adult Bible Study: Saturday evenings at 3:00pm via ZOOM
◘ Meeting Link: 09
◘ Meeting ID: 898 0948 6824
◘ Meeting Password: 162419
● Adventist Youth Program (AY): Saturday evenings at 6:30pm via ZOOM
◘ Meeting Link: 09
◘ Meeting ID: 898 0948 6824
◘ Meeting Password: 162419
● New Samaritan Pathfinder Club Meeting: Bi-weekly Sabbath at 11:00am via ZOOM
◘ Meeting Link: ZLZz09
◘ Meeting ID: 873 6348 3972
◘ Meeting Password: 450553
● Prayer and Fasting: Every month on the first Sat at 12:30pm via ZOOM
◘ Meeting Link: UT09
◘ Meeting ID: 819 7104 2626
◘ Meeting Password: 017778
Telephone Contact Information:
New telephone numbers have been created so you can contact the pastor, elders and prayer team for continued support:
● Pastor: 416-829-3331
● Elders & Pastor: 289-499-2759 (virtual phone number)
● Prayer Line: 289-499-2791 (virtual phone number)
● BSDA Office: 905-455-3496 (Pastor is in office Wednesdays (3 pm to 8 pm)
Online Giving:
Members may return their tithe and offering using one of the following methods:
● E-transfer: E-transfer from your bank account. Use your banking App or your banks website. Kindly
observe the following:
◘ Name of person/receiver: “Brampton SDA Church”
◘ Email address: “”
◘ Amount: enter the total amount of money
◘ Memo/message/note: provide an outline of the breakdown of your tithe and offerings. Example:
– Tithe: $10.00
– Church Budget: $10.00
– COVID 19: $10.00
– Enter any department you want to give to $
● Online Giving: Worshipping God in returning tithe and giving a liberal offering can still be done through our online giving account. Simply select Giving from the menu or by clicking HERE
Please continue to adhere to guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health, through its subsidiary organizations and trust in God as he will see us through.
As we face this crisis, I want to remind you that God is our present help in times of need. Let us continue to pray for God’s mercies upon humanity.
Ledford Morris